Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Tours

So, long post today covering 3 tours during which I took about 300 pictures.

First, on Saturday after the shopping, Ngairi, Elly, and I went on the city tour. We took a large bus with some other people and visited a Cathedral in the city center. It consisted of two small churches on the sides with a large cathedral area in the middle, all connected. The outside looked nice, but I found the inside to be horribly excessive. Ornate carvings, everything covered in gold or jewels, creepy bleeding Jesuses. What was interesting was the mix of Spaniard and Incan culture. The Spaniards hired local people to help build the temple and artists to decorate it. In some of the paintings, there are dark people, not Spaniards, that look like the Inca placed themselves into the art. There is also a "Last Supper" of which in the middle of the table sits Cuy, or guinea pig, to eat. It wasn't allowed to take photos on the inside, so I was only able to take some photos of the outside. Another interesting fact, the Cathedral took about 100 years to build.

Our next stop was Coricancha, a Spanish place of worship built on top of Incan temples. The outside was beautiful, but the inside seemed a bit lacking. The Spaniards destroyed much of the Incan work, leaving only a base and a few walls. Sometime after building it, there was an earthquake which destroyed much of the Spanish brickwork. However, the Incan stone remained intact.

In the first two photos, you can see the Incan stonework on the right hand side. I believe it was the temple of the sun. You can see it's rounded edges and how it's angled inward slightly.

This is the interior courtyard. Nothing too special.

This is traditional work of the Incas. You can see how well the blocks fit together and that the precision was amazing. There is no mortar or any other sort of glue. Windows and doors are all angled in like that and the walls themselves are angled just slightly to help provide support during an earthquake. One thing I did not take a photo of was a very small rock, about 1 inch square and who knows how deep, that was placed into the wall. It looks like there was a mistake and a large block was cut incorrectly, so they placed this tiny piece in to fill the space perfectly.

Here is that small rock, courtesy of the internet.

The beautiful garden outside. I believe that rocks represented energy, which is why there are boulders throughout. There are also a few walkways and some flowers towards the bottom of the picture.

And this was a gold piece hanging inside. I'm not sure of it's significance, but it was about 4 feet tall.

I believe our next stop was Saqsaywaman, basically pronounced "sexy woman." It was a large, rather fortress like area that people would have to pass through to get to Cusco. It's in the shape of a jaguar (supposedly) and the zig zag in the following pictures is the teeth. There had been 3 towers on top of the hill back in Incan time for communication and to monitor the surrounding areas. The Spaniards took stones from here to build their Cathedral and other buildings, but they were unable to take the large stones, which were several tons. Because Saqsaywaman is so big, even though stones are missing, much of it still remains. There is a flat grassy area, which I guess is the mouth, in the middle and then raised areas on two sides.

Many of the stones are gigantic. The "small" stones you can see two groups of on the right and 1 group on the left would be heavy to carry.

"teeth" of the Jaguar

looking across the "mouth"

City views from on top.

Cameloids grazing.

Viva el Peru! Written into the mountainside. Various mountain artwork can be found around the city.

Our next stop was a bit of a hike uphill to the Temple of Water. There is a natural spring above the temple and the water goes through the temple, down the mountain, and all the way to the city. Our guide kept emphasizing how clean and pure the water was, which was confusing because you're not supposed to drink the water  here. We saw some donkeys on the way up, which of course I found amusing.

Here is the temple itself. You can see the water flowing down in two "fangs." The structure is fairly wide and they believe the temple, when intact, was quite large.

Our final site seeing stop was some sort of place where the Inca mummified their dead. I'm not really sure. I was a bit tired of rocks at this point and it wasn't the most attractive site. It had a natural cave which we walked into and inside there was an alter. I believe our guide said that was where they would wrap the bodies. The cave was very cool and the alter itself was cold. I guess it was basically a body refrigerator.

I enjoyed the city tour quite a bit, but felt rushed. We went all over town and halfway up a mountain to see multiple sites in about 5 hours. Our guide was a bit curt and was very strict about the schedule (even though we ended early). Also, they invited someone onto the tour bus to sell us videos of ruins and other important sites. We were also taken to an official alpaca factory where they discussed how much better their 50USD  pure baby alpaca sweatshirts were to my 10USD semi alpaca one. Thank you, but I like my cheapies.

So, it has taken me over an hour to update on just Saturday! I need to go to lunch and then return to the office for class. Hopefully I will be able to fully update on Sunday and Monday (Machu Picchu!) later today.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

El Fin de Semana

First, here's last night's news.

Tonight was fun. Me and 4 of my housemates went to the plaza for pizza! We were all craving it. We got a great recommendation from Patricia. It was a small restaurant just off the main square. On our way there, there was horrible traffic. Apparently a road going off to the right was "closed" and all there was was a policewoman directing traffic at the intersection. Our taxi got into the left lane and when we reached the intersection, we suddenly went right. We were rather shocked at first, but then the policewoman started blowing her whistle and we all laughed. What good will a whistle do? So we cruised along a fairly open road. I'm not sure why it was blocked off.

The official drink of Peru is a pisco sour, which I tried. It was quite sour. Pisco is the alcohol, something sour was added in, and there was a top foam of whipped egg whites. When I heard about the eggs the
other day, I didnt want to try one, but then I remembered that that would defeat the whole purpose of traveling! So I had my pisco and a margarita/cheese pizza which was quite good. 

No guarantee on spelling, but from L-R is Chava (US), Juliana (US), Ellie (UK), and Nairi (NZ).

We walked around the plaza for a bit and went into a shop one of the girls really likes. It had some great alpaca items, but I was still indecisive, and low on cash after dinner. We returned to the plaza and a dog came over and sat on my feet! 

When we walked away, it looked like he was begging. I felt horrible for leaving him, but he looked like he got enough to eat.

On that note, I found a puppy store this morning. Think the ones in the US are bad? Ugh. Try here.  One glance was enough.

Going back to the rest of my day, I had a private lesson in the morning and then walked home. (photos of the neighborhood)

It's a nice walk, about 50 minutes. Luckily it's mostly 2 main streets or I would get lost. Lunch was a
stew/soup of potatoes, squash, and peas. I returned to the office for my afternoon class and acknowledged the unconnectable wifi. I went to a camera store with a friend to use my "advanced" Spanish skills. The
store was very strange. It had electronics, small appliances, bedding, and furniture. We chose the camera downstairs, went upstairs to pay, and took our receipt downstairs to actually pick up the camera. I
believe that sums up most of my day, but I'm quite tired now and am probably missing something. Big weekend too with 2 tours plus Machu Picchu. Updates may be sporadic.

This morning I woke up around 8 in order to do some shopping with Nairi. We hit several of the small markets and I finally found a sweater I like. I also purchased a hat and some cool pants. I will take pictures later. Total cost? around 60 soles or 20USD. Both the hat and sweater are pure alpaca.

We also walked around one of the main roads and took more pictures of the one fountain I had posted before. Front and back.

We went to Mega, a local supermarket chain to browse. We saw a GIANT bottle of pisco, maybe 2-3 gallons. We found it photo worthy.

We're off to the city tour soon, which covers the great landmarks of the city. I hope I can get some decent pictures because of the few I've seen on the outside are quite beautiful. For example, here is a shot I took yesterday of the Qoricancha (bad spelling).

And here are a few random photos of the city.

This may possibly be my last post until after Machu Picchu, but I will definitely update on Monday or Tuesday. (assuming internet works)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday (so original)

Last night we celebrated the birthday of one of the volunteers here. Her family had come to surprise her so Patricia fixed them a nice dinner complete with wine and everything. We all had potatoes covered in shredded chicken in a gravy. Afterwards we all gathered and sang happy birthday. Unfortunately for the b-day girl, the custom here is to have your face shoved into the cake, so of course that had to happen. It was rather amusing because most of us didn't know that.

This morning breakfast was again bread and toast with jam. There was also some sort of meat, but it looked very processed like bologna so I didn't touch it. I had two hours of private Spanish lessons with different teachers which was quite enjoyable. What was not so great is that I couldn't connect to the wifi at the office again! So I returned home for lunch which was a nice light chicken and vegetable soup and tamales. The tamales were wrapped in corn husks and my understanding is they're basically ground corn and wheat with a little bit of meat mixed in and then boiled in the husks. It was pretty good, but rather dense.

I returned to Maximo for my Spanish class and another attempt at the wifi, which failed. So now I'm back home using the ethernet cable.

On my taxi ride this morning, I took a few photos of the trip. I'm not totally comfortable whipping out my phone while walking down the street, so these are in a taxi while moving, just to give you an idea of the city, and what they typical taxi looks like.

This is a fountain I pass by. I couldn't tell you more than that.

Going down a street

More street. The vehicle is either a large taxi, or it could be a bus. Yeah, there's a reason why I don't take the bus.

More street and the back of a typical taxi. Most are tiny little hatchbacks which are rather ancient. Some even have spoilers and seem to have been lowered (or maybe they just broke).

And I can't remember if I posted this yet or not, but this is the view from the stairs of my house looking across the street.

I haven't discussed the taxis and driving much. Maximo tells us we shouldn't pay more than 2.50 soles, but 3 seems to be more typical (or I'm just a naive gringa). I've even had a few taxis that won't take me for less than 3.50. I'm cheap, so of course I turn them down. We do live a ways out of town, so I can understand. Driving here is very interesting. There are more taxis than private cars. Some roads have lanes, but most don't, so it's just kinda drive wherever you please. Horns? Used all the time. "move over" "get out of the road" "need a ride?" "hello" "I'm bored" are all good reasons to honk. Every single taxi driver seems to think they have the right of way. They're comfortable driving extremely close to each other and I think some intersections don't have any sort of controlled right of way. The smaller roads are very bumpy. Considering the driving, I haven't seen much body damage on the cars, maybe just some scrapes from doors hitting curbs. I did however walk past quite a few mechanics the other day.

Dinner's not for another 3 hours or so, so I stopped by a small shop nearby for chocolate. I got a Peruvian/S American chocolate (courtesy of Nestle). I took a picture, but can't email it without wifi (although luckily my phone will connect to the wifi at the office). So I will upload that later.

I almost forgot, the trip I want to do next weekend to Lake Titicaca might be canceled! There are riots in the local city over there because I believe the Bolivians are wanting to mine in Peru, or something like that. I'm hoping it will be cleared up by then, but it doesn't sound promising. I may have to splurge for the jungle trip instead. Here is info on the rioting. http://www.plenglish.com/index.php?id=291255&task=view&option=com_content